Revision History
The following is a history of the major features of Zuluru, by revision number, current as of March 31, 2015. This does not include hundreds of minor improvements and bug fixes; see the source control history for complete details.
Note that version numbers prior to 1.2.3 are somewhat ad-hoc, having mostly been added retroactively, and the exact cut-off date for what features and fixes are included in other revision-level updates can also be blurry.
If you have any questions about the specifics of any of these features, or whether they would help solve a problem that your organization is experiencing, please contact
Milestone releases: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.7.5, 1.8, 3.0
Version 1.0.0 (Jan 6, 2011)
- Initial release: all primary features required for running a multi-league sports organization
- user profile management
- registration and online payments
- team roster management
- fields
- scheduling
- scoring
- standings
- and more...
Version 1.0.1 (Feb 10, 2011)
- Visual improvements
- Added user photo upload
Version 1.0.2 (Feb 16, 2011)
- Scheduling improvements
- Photo upload improvements
Version 1.0.3 (Mar 3, 2011)
- Registration questionnaire improvements
Version 1.0.4 (Mar 3, 2011)
- Added registration wizard
Version 1.0.5 (Mar 4, 2011)
- Registration questionnaire improvements
Version 1.0.6 (Mar 18, 2011)
- Ensure team names are unique within their league
- Registration improvements
- Team records are created when the registration is paid for, and removed when refunded
Version 1.0.7 (Mar 18, 2011)
- Roster management improvements
- Removed admin override of adding players to their own teams
Version 1.0.8 (Mar 18, 2011)
- Allow for the same person to do both score entries for a game, if they are captain of both teams
Version 1.0.9 (Mar 21, 2011)
- Added team pop-ups
Version 1.0.10 (Mar 21, 2011)
- Added player pop-ups
Version 1.0.11 (Mar 21, 2011)
- Added help subsystem, initial help content
Version 1.0.12 (Mar 22, 2011)
- Player search improvements
Version 1.0.13 (Mar 31, 2011)
- Make the two 'Register a team' wizard links more distinctive
Version 1.0.14 (Mar 31, 2011)
- Added preliminary 'registrations report'
Version 1.0.15 (Mar 31, 2011)
- Internal output improvements
Version 1.0.16 (Mar 31, 2011)
- Split player 'status' into 'position' and 'status', separating out invites/requests
Version 1.0.17 (Mar 31, 2011)
- Added an option for admins and coordinators to add players that registered for some event
Version 1.0.18 (Mar 31, 2011)
- Separate eligible players from non-eligible on the team roster
Version 1.0.19 (Apr 1, 2011)
- Player pop-up improvements
Version 1.0.20 (Apr 3, 2011)
- Added the team pop-up to team lists
Version 1.0.21 (Apr 5, 2011)
- Various pop-up improvements
Version 1.0.22 (Apr 5, 2011)
- Improved cron handling
Version 1.0.23 (Apr 6, 2011)
- Installation fixes and improvements
Version 1.0.24 (Apr 13, 2011)
- Login and user management improvements
Version 1.0.25 (Apr 26, 2011)
- Added double-header checkbox that eases conditions during scheduling
- Allow bulk add of non-members to team rosters
- Send roster invite/request reminders
- Added a handy link to skip to future games on schedules
Version 1.0.26 (May 4, 2011)
- Added attendance tracking
- Added 'league summary report' to help with ensuring consistent settings
- Help system improvements
Version 1.0.27 (May 7, 2011)
- Further improvements and content additions to the help system
- Improvements to field distribution report
Version 1.0.28 (May 23, 2011)
- Help additions and updates
- Improve formatting of HTML emails
- Form improvements
Version 1.0.29 (Jun 17, 2011)
- Added captains' emails to game edit page
- Show roster conflicts and flag non-members on team rosters
- Allow score submission before game end time
Version 1.0.30 (Jul 18, 2011)
- Added field information to attendance emails
- Score reminders now come from league coordinators
Version 1.0.31 (Sep 6, 2011)
- Combine roster invite and add functionality; automatically do whatever is appropriate to the situation
- Send email to both player and captain when an admin or coordinator declines a roster invite
- Added spirit_max setting for when there's no questionnaire
Version 1.1.0 (Sep 6, 2011)
- Initial 'franchises' implementation
Version 1.1.1 (Sep 7, 2011)
- Help system improvements
Version 1.1.2 (Sep 14, 2011)
- Categorized 'flash' messages for better visual feedback
- Changes to handle seasons of play, including indoor vs outdoor fields
- Include any reasons why a roster invite can't be accepted in the invite email
Version 1.1.3 (Sep 21, 2011)
- Changes to how the schedule requirements are handled
- Groundwork for playoff scheduling
Version 1.1.4 (Nov 2, 2011)
- Attendance tracking enhancements: improved graphics and added comments and notes
- Flag potential duplicates in new player list
- Added system notice functionality
Version 1.1.5 (Dec 19, 2011)
- Added new 'league_team_count' rule
- Don't create game slots or attendance records on configurable holidays
- Added PayPal support
Version 1.2.0 (Dec 19, 2011)
- Added playoff scheduling
Version 1.2.1 (Dec 19, 2011)
- Online payment improvements
Version 1.2.2 (Dec 20, 2011)
- System notification improvements and default data
- Added TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor option for appropriate fields (descriptions, etc.)
- Added method for customizing feature and option configuration without altering Zuluru distribution files
- Incorporate region preferences and home field handling into scheduling algorithm
Version 1.2.3 (Dec 20, 2011)
- Centralize version numbers, and use to prompt about updates
Version 1.2.4 (Jan 2, 2012)
- Added preliminary participation and retention reports, for tracking long-term trends
Version 1.2.5 (Jan 5, 2012)
- Enhance upgrade process to handle more complex database migrations
- Playoff scheduling improvements
Version 1.3.0 (Jan 7, 2012)
- Split leagues into leagues and divisions
Version 1.3.1 (Jan 10, 2012)
- Replaced 'parent field/child field' structure with proper hierarchical 'facility/field'
Version 1.3.2 (Jan 10, 2012)
- Added non-game team events, with attendance tracking
Version 1.3.3 (Jan 11, 2012)
- Added preregistration functionality
Version 1.3.4 (Jan 12, 2012)
- Installation and update improvements
- Improved links between registration and divisions
Version 1.3.5 (Jan 17, 2012)
- Added a win/loss/tie indication in the message after initial score submission
- Additional improvements to form handler
- Documentation improvements
Version 1.3.6 (Jan 23, 2012)
- Added option to ask about attendance tracking during team registration
- Split ratings calculations from the scheduling algorithm
Version 1.3.7 (Jan 24, 2012)
- Added ability to define event chains
Version 1.3.8 (Feb 7, 2012)
- New option for bulk addition of teams to a division, with automatic attendance settings and shirt colours
- Changed pop-ups to load-on-demand, added alternate pop-up mechanism for mobile browsers
- Added field pop-ups
- Improved email formatting, including Emogrifier option
Version 1.3.9 (Feb 8, 2012)
- Handle leagues with no spirit questionnaire or numeric entry
- Added player annotations
Version 1.3.10 (Feb 22, 2012)
- Added team annotations
- Only show historical links to people logged in, to cut down on spider traffic
- Updated to Google Maps API v3
- Further genericize bridge to third-party authentication, add Joomla support
Version 1.3.11 (Feb 23, 2012)
- Added parking marker admin
- Added map of all fields
Version 1.4.0 (Feb 23, 2012)
- Initial round of changes for multi-sport handling
Version 1.4.1 (Mar 2, 2012)
- Added game annotations
Version 1.4.2 (Mar 7, 2012)
- Major help improvements, including addition of user guides
- Allow multiple franchise owners
Version 1.4.3 (Mar 28, 2012)
- Added helpful links to various emails
- Improved game slot selection for tournaments, particularly playoffs
Version 1.4.4 (Jun 12, 2012)
- Allow people to see attendance of their past teams
- iCal compatibility improvements
- Allow game end times to pass midnight
- Various playoff improvements
- Added document upload feature
Version 1.4.5 (Jun 13, 2012)
- Make the word 'field' configurable, to better support other sports
- Added 'surface' to fields
Version 1.4.6 (Jun 25, 2012)
- Document upload improvements
- Added new ratings calculators
Version 1.4.7 (Jul 3, 2012)
- Allow for deletion of finalized games, in extreme circumstances
- Change score entry to allow for cancelled games
Version 1.4.8 (Jul 17, 2012)
- Allow captains to see other captains' phone numbers as well as email addresses
- Added mailing list and newsletter functionality
Version 1.4.9 (Jul 25, 2012)
- Added new feature to entirely disable spirit handling
- Added entrance handling to maps
Version 1.4.10 (Aug 8, 2012)
- Layout editor and viewer will now handle fields with no dimensions (e.g. for non-Ultimate indoor sports)
Version 1.4.11 (Aug 12, 2012)
- Reworked waiver methodology; use rules engine instead of hard-coded in registration system
Version 1.4.12 (Oct 3, 2012)
- Added options for account approvals, profile fields, skill survey, photo upload and approvals, home fields, shirt colours, attendance tracking, roster flagging, support email address, rebranding
- Allow photo uploads from the profile edit page
- Automatically log new accounts in
- Improve experience for brand new users
- Added 'register now' option
- Added region editing
Version 1.5.0 (Oct 5, 2012)
- Added Affiliate functionality
Version 1.5.1 (Oct 11, 2012)
- Affiliate improvements
- Change jQuery to 'no conflict' mode to prevent problems when embedded into a CMS using another JavaScript library
- Added league participation report
- Handle leagues that operate on multiple nights
Version 1.5.2 (Oct 25, 2012)
- Added 'kick start' tools for admins and managers on the splash page
- Added method of selecting a specific affiliate to view
- Allow per-affiliate settings
Version 1.5.3 (Dec 7, 2012)
- Added rule-based player search for managers and admins
- Send opposing captains an email when a score submission is received
- Added waiting list functionality
- Added check for game slot conflicts
Version 1.5.4 (Feb 8, 2013)
- Use HTML5 input types to set default keyboard on iPhone, etc.
- Update to latest version of jQuery Tools
- Made tooltip location dynamic, to improve the chances that it will display on the screen
Version 1.6.0 (Feb 8, 2013)
- Added stat tracking
Version 1.6.1 (Feb 13, 2013)
- Added shirt numbers
Version 1.6.2 (Feb 13, 2013)
- Added Ajax roster position changing
Version 1.6.3 (Mar 18, 2013)
- Added mailing list previews
- Renamed roster position (captain, etc.) to role, and added new position field (pitcher, goalie, etc.)
- Added full support for baseball, basketball, dodgeball, hockey, rugby and soccer, and partial support for cricket, football and volleyball (stat tracking not yet complete)
Version 1.6.4 (Apr 4, 2013)
- Simplified various displays and menus in the case where a league has only a single division
- League and division pop-ups added
- Hide advanced league and division options by default on the edit page
Version 1.6.5 (Apr 10, 2013)
- Simplify wording of rules engine output to improve understanding when people can't register or be added to teams
- Allow all-star nominations to be from either the opposing team or the submitting team, per a new division setting
Version 1.6.6 (May 28, 2013)
- Improved playoff scheduling, including new options for 3 and 7 teams and more flexible slot assignment
- Add spirit highlights question
- Add waiver history to player profile
- Add per-league tie-breaker options
- Attendance tracking option is now checked by default for team registration
- Handle multiple rounds in round-robin divisions where teams might move between divisions after each round-robin completes
- Improved formatting for long pop-ups
Version 1.6.7 (July 1, 2013)
- Badging system
Version 1.6.8 (July 1, 2013)
- Basic task management (e.g. scheduling volunteers, umpires, referees)
Version 1.6.9 (July 3, 2013)
- Live game scoring with stat tracking
Version 1.6.10 (July 8, 2013)
- Multi-round tournament scheduling
Version 1.6.11 (July 21, 2013)
- Twitter integration on live game scoring page
Version 1.6.12 (August 20, 2013)
- Performance improvements by caching standings, schedule and stat details
- Option to make site public (e.g. for tournaments), so that rosters and stats are available to people who aren't logged in
Version 1.6.13 (September 10, 2013)
- Added basic contact management and messaging
Version 1.6.14 (October 8, 2013)
- Changed caching of division, team and player information to use CakePHP's standard methods, replacing a blend of ad-hoc files and session information
Version 1.6.15 (November 18, 2013)
- Updated to latest version of jQuery library and eliminated jQuery Tools library
Version 1.7.0 (December 9, 2013)
- Introduced linking relative's accounts together
Version 1.7.1 (December 10, 2013)
- Added selectors to the top of a number of pages, allowing the user to limit the information they are shown
Version 1.7.2 (December 29, 2013)
- Add 'competition' schedule type, allowing multiple teams to compete in a single game slot, thus supporting sports like golf, track and field, etc.
Version 1.7.3 (January 12, 2014)
- Split user information from player information, allowing for better integration with third-party databases (Joomla, Drupal, etc.) and paving the way for additional enhancements to the "relatives" functionality.
Version 1.7.4 (February 9, 2014)
- Adding a new league or facility will include the fields to enter the first division or field in it (simplifies setup, as there will often only be one).
- Editing a league or facility with only a single division or field will edit that data as well.
- Added league standings and schedule pages, consolidating standings and schedules from all divisions in the league.
- League schedule page includes option to edit games across all divisions on a particular date, including cross-over games.
- Coordinators of multiple divisions in a league have more logical permissions, including scheduling cross-over games between their divisions, and editing the league data if they coordinate all divisions in it.
- Divisions and leagues now open immediately on creation/edit if required, rather than waiting until the next cron run.
Version 1.7.5 (April 22, 2014)
- Major registration changes:
- Streamlined checkout page.
- Added new payment statuses (deposit, partial, reserved).
- Added ability to issue full and partial refunds and credits, transfer payments from one registration to another, and use credits to pay for other registrations.
- Added multiple price points for events, each with their own rules, open and close dates.
- Registrants can now edit their questionnaire answers and payment choices (if applicable) before payment is made.
- Added option to allow unpaid registrations to be reserved for a per-event configurable time.
- Added features to automate management of waiting lists.
- Playoff schedule editing now allows you to set game names and adjust matchups if required.
- Added bulk user import function.
- Custom headers on some emails should improve delivery rates.
- The team_count rule can now handle date ranges like membership_type, and include_subs like league_team_count.
- Added a default privacy policy and default membership letter.
- Fixed location of map marker graphics.
- Added VCF option for importing contact information into compatible apps.
- Added preview of spirit questionnaires, legend of spirit symbols, and a new questionnaire.
Version 1.8.0 (February 12, 2015)
- Youth sports
- New parental accounts without skill level, height, etc., and child accounts without contact info
- Simplify splash page in case of parents with no useful data of their own
- 'Act As' functionality (also highly useful for admins)
- Allow relatives to change attendance
- Accept one of either coach or captain on a team, and other changes to put coaches on equal footing with captains
- Add menu links for managing relative profiles
- Better delineation between various account types, don't assume everyone is a player
- Support child records in import
- Include parental contact information in all relevant downloads
- Multi-sports
- Handle gender ratios and stat types on a per-sport basis
- Make skill level and year started sport-specific
- Better multi-sport support for live scoring and stat sheets
- Handle multiple sports with selectors on various pages
- Multi-sport support for fields (e.g. limiting field and division options on Bulk Game Slots page)
- Scheduling
- Improvements to handling of multi-day divisions
- Option for teams to set facility preferences
- Handle different "first day of the week" than Sunday
- New 10 team playoff bracket
- Add division availability to field bookings report, and improve selection of bookings to show
- Option to create game slots at multiple times in a single pass (thanks to Dean Young for the core of this code)
- Teams
- Allow admins to remove the last player from a team
- Dropdown arrow to better indicate how to change roles and positions
- Handle situation where there are no roster requirements
- Give admins access to add team events
- Option to create a series of repeating team events
- Registration
- Don't consider "waiting list" registrations to be unpaid for reporting purposes
- Handle enforced zero deposit, for 'register but don't pay' events (e.g. lottery, only offline payment, etc.)
- Skip first wizard page if there is only one category to register for
- Periodic confirmation of profile data before registration
- Event clone operation
- General UI
- Language selection based on browser setting, system and personal preferences, and other internationalization (i18n) improvements
- New announcement and footer options in the layout
- Theming-friendly option for common newsletter headers and footers
- Notices to admins to answer several commonly-asked questions
- Improve messages on bad rule syntax
- Miscellaneous
- Option to download player search results
- Remove default from birthdate field
- Permission groups are now orthogonal instead of increasing; you can be a volunteer without being a player, for example. Enable and disable these through Configuration -> Permissions. Add menu items for listing membership in each group, with download options.
- Handle alternate email addresses
- Optional anti-spam measures on account creation
- Add 'never expires' waiver option
- Include waiver signing on kickstart page, in certain situations
- Improve stat calculation times by pre-processing
Version 1.8.1 (never officially tagged, features were released incrementally)
- Enable option for database storage of sessions
- Many internationalization (i18n) improvements
- Updated WFDF spirit survey
- Option to require shirt size as part of registration
- Carbon flip support
- Team roster download with contact information, for admins, coordinators and captains
- Expanded options for team and person notes
Version 3.0.0 (August 31, 2018)
- Rewrite built on CakePHP 3.3 (the 1.x series was based on CakePHP 1.3)
- Improved mobile support
- Enhanced some administrative tools, e.g. editing all price points for an event, all divisions in a league, and all fields at a facility, on a single page.
- Better client-side photo upload process, now including rotation