Standings + Streaks

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Standings + Streaks

Post by sulfur »

I'm not sure if this is quite the right place to put it, but seemed logical...

I was noticing that, according to Zuluru, a "streak" is only multiple results that are consecutive and identical (ie, 2W, 2T, 2L, etc). Would it not be more useful to see that even if it were only one game (ie, 1W, 1T, 1L)?

A perfect example of this can be seen on the TUC site today, where all of the teams have played a single game. Looking at the "streak" column, this would be simple to see who won or lost lately. In our league, we've played several games, and that column comes across as not really relevant much of the time (especially with my team, 1L, 1W, 1L, 1W, etc :) ). I've attached a screenshot of a portion of our standings to show what I mean:
Example of how the "streak" column isn't as useful as it could be with singles also indicated.
Example of how the "streak" column isn't as useful as it could be with singles also indicated.
streak.png (1.91 KiB) Viewed 225722 times
I see where this is displayed, but haven't yet figured out where and how it is populated.
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Re: Standings + Streaks

Post by GregS »

This is actually by design. It's not considered a "streak" until you've done it twice. Streaks are displayed in views/elements/leagues/standings/*/team.ctp, and there's an explicit check the for > 1, which could be eliminated or, better, connected to a feature that enables or disables this. I'm too busy today to do that, though...
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